The DayPilotMonth type exposes the following members.


Public eventBeforeCellRender
This event is fired for each time cell. You can modify its properties (e.g. background color) here.
Public eventBeforeEventRecurrence
This event is fired during event loading.
Public eventBeforeEventRender
This event is fired before events are rendered.
Public eventBeforeHeaderRender
This event is fired before column header is rendered.
Public eventCommand
This event is fired using client-side .commandCallBack() function. Use it to refresh the control using fast callback.
Public eventDataBinding (Inherited from Control.)
Public eventDataBound (Inherited from BaseDataBoundControl.)
Public eventDisposed (Inherited from Control.)
Public eventEventAdd
Fires when client-side EventAdd event is notified to the server.
Public eventEventClick
This event is fired when a user clicks an event.
Public eventEventDelete
This event is fired when the user clicks on a delete "X" button in the upper-right corner of an event.
Public eventEventDoubleClick
Fires when a user double-clicks an event.
Public eventEventMenuClick
This event is fired when a user selects context menu item where the MenuItem.Action is set to PostBack or CallBack.
Public eventEventMove
This event is fired when a user moves an event by dragging.
Public eventEventRemove
Fires when client-side EventRemove event is notified to the server.
Public eventEventResize
This event is fired when a user resizes an event by top or bottom border dragging.
Public eventEventRightClick
This event is fired when a user clicks an event with a right mouse button.
Public eventEventSelect
Fires when a user selects an event.
Public eventEventUpdate
Fires when client-side EventUpdate event is notified to the server.
Public eventHeaderClick
Fires when the user clicks a header with day name (Sunday, Monday...).
Public eventInit (Inherited from Control.)
Public eventLoad (Inherited from Control.)
Public eventNotify
Fires when queued client-side operations are notified to the server.
Public eventPreRender (Inherited from Control.)
Public eventTimeRangeDoubleClick
Fires when a user double-clicks a selected time range. TimeRangeDoubleClickHandling must be set to PostBack or CallBack.
Public eventTimeRangeMenuClick
Fires when a user clicks a menu item. MenuItem.Action must be set to PostBack or CallBack.
Public eventTimeRangeSelected
This event is fired when a user clicks a time cell or selects cells by mouse dragging.
Public eventUnload (Inherited from Control.)

See Also