The DayPilotCalendar type exposes the following members.
Name | Description | |
AccessKey | (Inherited from WebControl.) | |
Adapter | (Inherited from Control.) | |
AfterEventRenderJavaScript |
The JavaScript code that will be executed after rendering an event on the client side. Two variables are available: e (Event object), div (event DIV element).
| |
AfterRenderJavaScript |
The JavaScript code that will be executed after client-side rendering is finished (initial, after PostBack, or CallBack).
| |
AllDayEnd |
Whether the end of all-day event is specified by date only or by full date and time.
| |
AllDayEventBackColor |
Determines the background color of all-day events.
| |
AllDayEventBorderColor |
Color of an all-day event border.
| |
AllDayEventFontColor |
Color of the all-day event font.
| |
AllDayEventFontFamily |
Font family of the all-day event text, e.g. "Tahoma".
| |
AllDayEventFontSize |
Font size of the all-day event text, e.g. "8pt".
| |
AllDayEventHeight |
Determines the height of an all-day event.
| |
AllowEventOverlap |
Allows or forbids overlap of the shadow (or selection) during move, resize and time range selection operation.
| |
AllowMultiSelect |
Allows selecting multiple events (using Ctrl + click).
| |
AppRelativeTemplateSourceDirectory | (Inherited from Control.) | |
Attributes | (Inherited from WebControl.) | |
AutoRefreshCommand |
The command that will be passed to Command event during automatic refresh.
| |
AutoRefreshEnabled |
Enables the AutoRefresh feature.
| |
AutoRefreshInterval |
Auto-refresh interval in seconds. Minimum 10 seconds.
| |
AutoRefreshMaxCount |
Maximum auto-refresh count (after inactivity).
| |
BackColor |
Gets or sets the color of business background cells.
(Overrides WebControl..::..BackColor.) | |
BindingContainer | (Inherited from Control.) | |
BorderColor |
Gets or sets the border color of the Web control.
(Overrides WebControl..::..BorderColor.) | |
BorderStyle | (Inherited from WebControl.) | |
BorderWidth | (Inherited from WebControl.) | |
BubbleID |
ID of the advanced tooltip control (DayPilotBubble) that will be used for calendar events.
| |
BusinessBeginsHour |
Gets or sets the start of the business day (in hours).
| |
BusinessEndsHour |
Gets or sets the end of the business day (hours).
| |
Calendar | ||
CallBack |
A shortcut for all properties that can be modified during a CallBack update.
| |
CallBackErrorJavaScript |
Gets or sets the Javascript code that is executed on error during AJAX callback.
| |
CellBorderColor |
Color of the inner vertical border.
| |
CellBubbleID |
ID of the advanced tooltip control (DayPilotBubble) that will be used for cells.
| |
CellDuration |
Duration of a time cell in minutes.
| |
CellHeight |
Gets or sets the height of the time cells in pixels. Minimum height is 15.
| |
CellSelectColor |
Gets or sets the color of the time range selection.
| |
CellsPerHour | Obsolete.
Number of time cells in one hour. Allowed values: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 10, 12.
| |
ClientID | (Inherited from Control.) | |
ClientIDSeparator | (Inherited from Control.) | |
ClientObjectName |
JavaScript instance name on the client-side. If it is not specified the control ClientID will be used.
| |
ClientState |
Object saved to clientState field on the client side.
| |
ColumnBubbleID |
ID of the advanced tooltip control (DayPilotBubble) that will be used for column headers.
| |
ColumnMarginRight |
Width of the right margin inside a column (in pixels).
| |
Columns |
Collection of columns that will be used when ViewType property is set to ViewTypeEnum.Resources.
| |
ColumnWidth |
Column width for ColumnWidthSpec=Fixed mode.
| |
ColumnWidthSpec |
How the column width is determined (Fixed, see ColumnWidth; Auto - calculated to fit the width).
| |
Context | (Inherited from Control.) | |
ContextMenuID |
ID of the DayPilotMenu control that will be used for context menu. If no ID is specified, the context menu will be disabled.
| |
ContextMenuSelectionID |
ID of the DayPilotMenu control that will be used for context menu. If no ID is specified, the context menu will be disabled.
| |
Controls | (Inherited from Control.) | |
ControlStyle | (Inherited from WebControl.) | |
ControlStyleCreated | (Inherited from WebControl.) | |
CornerBackColor |
Background color of the upper-left corner.
| |
CornerHtml |
HTML of the upper-left corner.
| |
Crosshair |
Crosshair type.
| |
CrosshairColor |
Color of the crosshair.
| |
CrosshairOpacity |
Crosshair opacity in percent.
| |
CssClass | Obsolete.
Specifies the CSS class that contains style definitions for this control.
(Overrides WebControl..::..CssClass.) | |
CssClassPrefix | Obsolete.
Specifies the prefix of the CSS classes that contain style definitions for the elements of this control.
| |
CssOnly | Obsolete.
Whether to ignore all style properties. Only CSS styling will be used.
| |
DataAllDayField |
Name of the data source field that contains true for all-day events.
| |
DataColumnField |
Gets or sets the name of the column that contains the primary key. The primary key will be used for rendering the custom JavaScript actions.
| |
DataEndField |
Gets or sets the name of the column that contains the event ending date and time (must be convertible to DateTime).
| |
DataIdField |
Gets or sets the name of the column that contains the id (primary key).
| |
DataMember | (Inherited from DataBoundControl.) | |
DataRecurrenceField |
Name of the data source field that contains recurrence information string.
| |
DataServerTagFields |
Gets or sets the name of the fields that contain the custom event data. These fields will be only accessible in the BeforeEventRender event handler.
| |
DataSource | (Inherited from BaseDataBoundControl.) | |
DataSourceID | (Inherited from DataBoundControl.) | |
DataSourceObject | (Inherited from DataBoundControl.) | |
DataStartField |
Gets or sets the name of the column that contains the event starting date and time (must be convertible to DateTime).
| |
DataTagFields |
Gets or sets the name of the column that contains the custom event data.
| |
DataTextField |
Gets or sets the name of the column that contains the name of an event.
| |
DataValueField | Obsolete.
Gets or sets the name of the column that contains the id (primary key). Obsolete. Use .DataIdField instead.
| |
DayBeginsHour |
Gets or sets the start of the day column (hour from 0 to 23).
| |
DayEndsHour |
Gets or sets the end of the day column (hour from 0 to 24).
| |
Days |
Gets or sets the number of days to be displayed. Default is 1.
| |
DesignMode | (Inherited from Control.) | |
Direction |
Calendar direction (RTL/LTR).
| |
DoubleClickTimeout |
Double-click timeout in milliseconds.
| |
DurationBarColor |
Color of the vertical bar on the left side of an event.
| |
DurationBarImageUrl |
Background image URL for the duration bar on the left side of an event.
| |
DurationBarVisible |
Whether the color bar on the left side of and event should be visible.
| |
DurationBarWidth |
Width of the duration bar on the left side of an event.
| |
Enabled | (Inherited from WebControl.) | |
EnableTheming | (Inherited from WebControl.) | |
EnableViewState | (Inherited from Control.) | |
EndDate |
Gets the last day to be shown.
| |
EventArrangement |
Concurrent events arrangement: side by side or cascading.
| |
EventBackColor |
Color of an event background.
| |
EventBorderColor |
Color of an event border.
| |
EventClickHandling |
Handling of user action (clicking an event).
| |
EventClickJavaScript |
Gets or sets the Javascript code that is executed when the user clicks an event.
| |
EventCorners |
Corner look: regular or rounded.
| |
EventDeleteHandling |
Handling of event delete action.
| |
EventDeleteJavaScript |
Gets or sets the Javascript code that is executed when the users clicks the delete icon.
| |
EventDoubleClickHandling |
Handling of user action (double-clicking an event).
| |
EventDoubleClickJavaScript |
Gets or sets the Javascript code that is executed when the user double-clicks an event.
| |
EventEditHandling |
Determines the action to be executed after a user moves an event. If set to Disabled editing is not enabled on the client side.
| |
EventEditJavaScript |
Gets or sets the Javascript function that is executed after a users edits an event. This code is executed when EventEditHandling is set to JavaScript.
| |
EventFontColor |
Color of event font.
| |
EventFontFamily |
Font family of the event text, e.g. "Tahoma".
| |
EventFontSize |
Font size of the event text, e.g. "8pt".
| |
EventHeaderFontColor |
Event header font color.
| |
EventHeaderFontSize |
Font size of the event header.
| |
EventHeaderHeight |
Event header height in pixels.
| |
EventHeaderVisible |
Whether the event should have a header at the top.
| |
EventHoverColor | Obsolete. | |
EventHoverHandling |
What to do when mouse hovers over an event.
| |
EventMoveHandling |
Determines the action to be executed after a user moves an event. If set to Disabled moving is not enabled on the client side.
| |
EventMoveJavaScript |
Gets or sets the Javascript code that is executed when a user moves an event.
| |
EventResizeHandling |
Determines the action to be executed after a user resizes an event. If set to Disabled resizing is not enabled on the client side.
| |
EventResizeJavaScript |
Gets or sets the Javascript function that is executed when a user moves an event.
| |
EventRightClickHandling |
Handling of user action (right mouse click on an event).
| |
EventRightClickJavaScript |
Gets or sets the Javascript code that is executed when the user clicks an event.
| |
Events | (Inherited from Control.) | |
EventSelectColor |
Determines the color of the event border that indicates that the event is selected.
| |
EventSelectHandling |
Handling of user action (selecting an event).
| |
EventSelectJavaScript |
Gets or sets the Javascript code that is executed when the user selects an event.
| |
EventSortExpression |
Sorting expression for cell stacking mode, e.g. 'priority asc, name desc'.
| |
EventTapAndHoldHandling |
Specifies action that should be performed for a touch 'tap and hold' gesture.
| |
Font | (Inherited from WebControl.) | |
ForeColor | (Inherited from WebControl.) | |
HasAttributes | (Inherited from WebControl.) | |
HasChildViewState | (Inherited from Control.) | |
HeaderClickHandling |
Handling of column header click.
| |
HeaderClickJavaScript |
Gets or sets the Javascript code that is executed when the user clicks a column header.
| |
HeaderDateFormat |
Gets or sets the format of the date display in the header columns.
| |
HeaderFontColor |
Color of the column header font.
| |
HeaderFontFamily |
Font family of the column header, e.g. "Tahoma".
| |
HeaderFontSize |
Font size of the column header, e.g. "10pt".
| |
HeaderHeight |
Gets or sets whether the header should be visible.
| |
HeaderHeightAutoFit |
Whether to increase the header header height automatically to fit the content.
| |
HeaderLevels |
How many header levels will be shown (from Columns collection, in Resource mode only).
| |
Height |
Sets or get the height of the scrolling area (in pixels). It only applies when HeightSpec is set to HeightSpecEnum.Fixed.
| |
HeightSpec |
Sets or get the way how the height of the scrolling area is determined. It can be either Fixed (height specified by Height in pixels is used), Full (the full height, prevents scrolling), or BusinessHours (it always shows business hours in full and enables scrolling).
| |
HideFreeCells |
Hide non-business cells if there are no events. Corresponds to NonBusinessHours="HideIfPossible" in DayPilot Lite.
| |
HourBorderColor |
Color of the horizontal border that separates hour names.
| |
HourFontColor |
Color of the hour header font.
| |
HourFontFamily |
Font family of the hour titles on the left side, e.g. "Tahoma".
| |
HourFontSize |
Font size of the hour titles on the left side e.g. "16pt".
| |
HourHalfBorderColor |
Color of the border that separates time cells inside one hour.
| |
HourNameBackColor |
Color of the hour names background.
| |
HourNameBorderColor |
Color of the vertical border that separates our names.
| |
HourWidth |
Gets or sets the width of an hour cell in pixels.
| |
HoverColor | Obsolete. | |
ChildControlsCreated | (Inherited from Control.) | |
ID | (Inherited from Control.) | |
IdSeparator | (Inherited from Control.) | |
Initialized | (Inherited from BaseDataBoundControl.) | |
IsBoundUsingDataSourceID | (Inherited from BaseDataBoundControl.) | |
IsEnabled | (Inherited from WebControl.) | |
IsExport |
True if the control is beign exported using Export() method. Useful inside Before__RenderEvent event handlers.
| |
IsChildControlStateCleared | (Inherited from Control.) | |
IsTrackingViewState | (Inherited from Control.) | |
IsViewStateEnabled | (Inherited from Control.) | |
Layout |
Determines which layout should be used (old table-based, new div-based).
| |
LoadingLabelBackColor |
Color of the Loading label background.
| |
LoadingLabelFontColor |
Color of the Loading label text.
| |
LoadingLabelFontFamily |
Font family of the Loading label text, e.g. \"Tahoma\".
| |
LoadingLabelFontSize |
Font size of Loading label text, e.g. '10pt'.
| |
LoadingLabelText |
The text of the 'Loading...' label.
| |
LoadingLabelVisible |
Whether the 'Loading...' label is visible.
| |
LoadViewStateByID | (Inherited from Control.) | |
MessageHideAfter |
The timeout delay of the message bar (in milliseconds).
| |
MoveBy |
Which event border shoud be used for moving.
| |
NamingContainer | (Inherited from Control.) | |
NonBusinessBackColor |
Background color of time cells outside of the busines hours.
| |
NotifyCommit | ||
Page | (Inherited from Control.) | |
Parent | (Inherited from Control.) | |
RecurrentEventExceptionImage |
URL of the image that indicate a recurring event (exception from the series).
| |
RecurrentEventImage |
URL of the image that indicate a recurring event.
| |
RequiresDataBinding | (Inherited from BaseDataBoundControl.) | |
ResourcesPath |
Directory part of the URL where static resources are located (ending with a slash). E.g. "/resources/".
| |
ResourcesStatic |
Whether the resources (.js and image files) should be loaded statically (from a directory specified in ResourcesPath).
| |
ScrollDownLabelText | Obsolete.
The text of the 'scroll down' label.
| |
ScrollLabelsVisible |
Whether the scroll labels ('Scroll up', 'Scroll down') are visible.
| |
ScrollPositionHour |
Sets or get the starting scroll position of the scrolling area (in hours). Does not apply when HeightSpec is set to HeightSpecEnum.Full or HeightSpecEnum.BusinessHoursNoScroll.
| |
ScrollUpLabelText | Obsolete.
The text of the 'scroll up' label.
| |
ScrollY |
Gets the current vertical scrollbar position in pixels.
| |
SelectArguments | (Inherited from DataBoundControl.) | |
SelectedEventValue |
Width of the right margin inside a column (in pixels).
| |
Shadow |
Type of the event shadow that is used for moving and resizing. "Fill" is a semi-transparent rectangle (default). "Outline" is a dotted outline.
| |
ShowAllDayEvents |
Determines whether the extra row for all-day events will be visible.
| |
ShowAllDayEventStartEnd |
Whether to show the all-day event start and end times.
| |
ShowCurrentTime | ||
ShowEventStartEnd |
Whether to show the event start and end times.
| |
ShowHeader |
Gets or sets whether the header should be visible.
| |
ShowHours |
Determines whether the hour names column is visible.
| |
ShowToolTip |
Determines whether the event tooltip is active.
| |
Site | (Inherited from Control.) | |
SkinID | (Inherited from WebControl.) | |
StartDate |
Gets or sets the first day to be shown. Default is DateTime.Today.
| |
StoreEventsInViewState |
Whether the events should be stored in the ViewState.
| |
Style | (Inherited from WebControl.) | |
TabIndex | (Inherited from WebControl.) | |
TagKey | (Inherited from WebControl.) | |
TagName | (Inherited from WebControl.) | |
TemplateControl | (Inherited from Control.) | |
TemplateSourceDirectory | (Inherited from Control.) | |
Theme |
Specifies the CSS theme.
| |
TimeFormat |
Gets or sets the time-format for hour numbers (on the left).
| |
TimeHeaderCellDuration |
Duration of a time header cell in minutes. Maximum value is 60, must be divisible by CellDuration.
| |
TimeRangeDoubleClickHandling |
Determines time range double click handling.
| |
TimeRangeDoubleClickJavaScript |
Javascript code that is executed when the double clicks a selected time range.
| |
TimeRangeSelectedHandling |
Handling of user action (clicking a free-time slot).
| |
TimeRangeSelectedJavaScript |
Gets or sets the Javascript code that is executed when a user selects a time range.
| |
TimeRangeTapAndHoldHandling |
Specifies action that should be performed for a touch 'tap and hold' gesture.
| |
ToolTip | (Inherited from WebControl.) | |
UniqueID | (Inherited from Control.) | |
UseEventBoxes |
When set to Always (default) events are shown in boxes that are aligned with the cell size. Set to Never or ShortEventsOnly if you want to show events in real length.
| |
UseEventSelectionBars |
Allows selecting multiple events (using Ctrl + click).
| |
ViewState | (Inherited from Control.) | |
ViewStateIgnoresCase | (Inherited from Control.) | |
ViewType |
Sets or gets the view type (day, week, custom number of days, custom column set). If set to ViewTypeEnum.Resources and you use data binding you have to specify DataColumnField property.
| |
Visible | (Inherited from Control.) | |
VisibleEnd |
This is only a relative time. The date part should be ignored.
| |
VisibleStart |
This is only a relative time. The date part should be ignored.
| |
WeekStarts |
Determines the first day of week (Sunday/Monday/Auto).
| |
Width |
Calendar width. If not specified, display:block behavior will be used.
(Overrides WebControl..::..Width.) |