The DayPilotGantt type exposes the following members.


Public propertyAccessKey (Inherited from WebControl.)
Protected propertyAdapter (Inherited from Control.)
Public propertyAfterRenderJavaScript
The JavaScript code that will be executed after client-side rendering is finished (initial, after PostBack, or CallBack).
Public propertyAppRelativeTemplateSourceDirectory (Inherited from Control.)
Public propertyAttributes (Inherited from WebControl.)
Public propertyAutoRefreshCommand
The command that will be passed to Command event during automatic refresh.
Public propertyAutoRefreshEnabled
Enables the AutoRefresh feature.
Public propertyAutoRefreshInterval
Auto-refresh interval in seconds. Minimum 10 seconds.
Public propertyAutoRefreshMaxCount
Maximum auto-refresh count (after inactivity).
Public propertyAutoScroll
Enables or disables autoscroll when hovering the scheduler edges.
Public propertyBackColor (Inherited from WebControl.)
Public propertyBindingContainer (Inherited from Control.)
Public propertyBorderColor (Inherited from WebControl.)
Public propertyBorderStyle (Inherited from WebControl.)
Public propertyBorderWidth (Inherited from WebControl.)
Public propertyBubbleCellID
ID of the advanced tooltip control (DayPilotBubble) that will be used for cells.
Public propertyBubbleRowID
ID of the advanced tooltip control (DayPilotBubble) that will be used for column headers.
Public propertyBubbleTaskID
ID of the DayPilotBubble that will be used for showing event details on hover.
Public propertyBusinessBeginsHour
Gets or sets the start of the business day (in hours).
Public propertyBusinessEndsHour
Gets or sets the end of the business day (hours).
Public propertyCalendar
Public propertyCellDuration
Cell size in minutes.
Public propertyCellGroupBy
Defines column group size (first row of the column headers on top of the Scheduler).
Public propertyCellWidth
Cell width in pixels.
Public propertyCellWidthSpec
Specifies whether the cell width should be fixed (Fixed) or adjusted automatically to show all columns (Auto).
Public propertyClientID (Inherited from Control.)
Protected propertyClientIDSeparator (Inherited from Control.)
Public propertyClientObjectName
JavaScript instance name on the client-side. If it is not specified the control ClientID will be used.
Public propertyClientState
Object saved to clientState field on the client side.
Public propertyColumns
Collection of task columns.
Public propertyCompleteBarHeight
Height of the complete bar in pixels.
Public propertyCompleteBarVisible
Whether the complete bar at the top of a task should be visible.
Protected propertyContext (Inherited from Control.)
Public propertyContextMenuLinkID
ID of the DayPilotMenu control that will be used for link context menu. If no ID is specified, the context menu will be disabled.
Public propertyContextMenuRowID
ID of the DayPilotMenu control that will be used for context menu for resource headers. If no ID is specified, the context menu will be disabled.
Public propertyContextMenuTaskID
ID of the DayPilotMenu control that will be used for context menu. If no ID is specified, the context menu will be disabled.
Public propertyControls (Inherited from Control.)
Public propertyControlStyle (Inherited from WebControl.)
Public propertyControlStyleCreated (Inherited from WebControl.)
Public propertyCornerHtml
HTML of the upper-left corner.
Public propertyCrosshair
Crosshair type.
Public propertyCrosshairColor
Color of the crosshair.
Public propertyCrosshairOpacity
Crosshair opacity in percent.
Public propertyCssClass (Inherited from WebControl.)
Public propertyDataCompleteField
Public propertyDataEndField
Gets or sets the name of the column that contains the event ending date and time (must be convertible to DateTime).
Public propertyDataIdField
Gets or sets the name of the column that contains the id (primary key).
Public propertyDataMember (Inherited from DataBoundControl.)
Public propertyDataMilestoneField
Name of the data source field that contains true for milestones. Optional.
Public propertyDataParentField
Gets or sets the name of the column that contains the parent task id.
Public propertyDataSource (Inherited from BaseDataBoundControl.)
Public propertyDataSourceID (Inherited from DataBoundControl.)
Public propertyDataSourceObject (Inherited from DataBoundControl.)
Public propertyDataStartField
Gets or sets the name of the column that contains the event starting date and time (must be convertible to DateTime).
Public propertyDataTagFields
Gets or sets the name of the columns that contain custom event data.
Public propertyDataTextField
Gets or sets the name of the column that contains the task text.
Public propertyDays
Gets or sets the number of days to be displayed. Default is 1.
Protected propertyDesignMode (Inherited from Control.)
Public propertyDoubleClickTimeout
Double-click timeout in milliseconds.
Public propertyEnabled (Inherited from WebControl.)
Public propertyEnableTheming (Inherited from WebControl.)
Public propertyEnableViewState (Inherited from Control.)
Public propertyEndDate
Gets the last day to be shown.
Protected propertyEvents (Inherited from Control.)
Public propertyFloatingTasks
Task boxes will display a special floating object when not visible in full.
Public propertyFloatingTimeHeaders
Time header cells will display a special floating object when not visible in full.
Public propertyFont (Inherited from WebControl.)
Public propertyForeColor (Inherited from WebControl.)
Public propertyHasAttributes (Inherited from WebControl.)
Protected propertyHasChildViewState (Inherited from Control.)
Public propertyHeaderHeight
Height of the header cells (with hour names) in pixels.
Public propertyHeight
Gets or sets the control height. Only pixel values are allowed.
(Overrides WebControl..::..Height.)
Public propertyHeightSpec
Specifies whether the height should be adjusted automatically to show all tasks (Auto) or fixed (Fixed). Fixed height is specified using Height property.
Protected propertyChildControlsCreated (Inherited from Control.)
Public propertyID (Inherited from Control.)
Protected propertyIdSeparator (Inherited from Control.)
Protected propertyInitialized (Inherited from BaseDataBoundControl.)
Protected propertyIsBoundUsingDataSourceID (Inherited from BaseDataBoundControl.)
Protected propertyIsEnabled (Inherited from WebControl.)
Protected propertyIsChildControlStateCleared (Inherited from Control.)
Protected propertyIsTrackingViewState (Inherited from Control.)
Protected propertyIsViewStateEnabled (Inherited from Control.)
Public propertyLinkBottomMargin
Margin between task bottom and the link connection.
Public propertyLinkCreatedJavaScript
Gets or sets the Javascript code that is executed when the user creates a task link (after the default action).
Public propertyLinkCreateHandling
Determines the action to be executed after the user creates a task link.
Public propertyLinkCreateJavaScript
Gets or sets the Javascript code that is executed when the user creates a task link (before the default action).
Public propertyLinkPointSize
Public propertyLinks
Collection of Gantt links.
Public propertyLoadingLabelText
The text of the 'Loading...' label.
Public propertyLoadingLabelVisible
Whether the loading label ('Loading...') should be visible during control initialization.
Protected propertyLoadViewStateByID (Inherited from Control.)
Public propertyMessageBarPosition
Message bar position (top/bottom).
Public propertyMessageHideAfter
The timeout delay of the message bar (in milliseconds).
Public propertyNamingContainer (Inherited from Control.)
Public propertyPage (Inherited from Control.)
Public propertyParent (Inherited from Control.)
Public propertyProgressiveTaskRendering
Specifies whether the task boxes should be rendered progressively during scrolling.
Public propertyProgressiveTaskRenderingCacheSize
Maximum number of rendered (but not visible) task boxes that are kept in the cache. Requires ProgressiveTaskRendering='true' and ProgressiveTaskRenderingCacheSweeping='true'.
Public propertyProgressiveTaskRenderingCacheSweeping
Enables automatic deleting of hidden task boxes for ProgressiveTaskRendering="true".
Public propertyProgressiveTaskRenderingMargin
How many additional horizontal pixels of tasks should be pre-rendered on each side of the current viewport.
Protected propertyRequiresDataBinding (Inherited from BaseDataBoundControl.)
Public propertyResourcesPath
Directory part of the URL where static resources are located (ending with a slash). E.g. "/resources/".
Public propertyResourcesStatic
Whether the resources (.js and image files) should be loaded statically (from a directory specified in ResourcesPath).
Public propertyRowClickedJavaScript
Gets or sets the Javascript code that is executed when the user clicks a row header (after the default action).
Public propertyRowClickHandling
Handling of user action (clicking a row header).
Public propertyRowClickJavaScript
Gets or sets the Javascript code that is executed when the user clicks a row header (before the default action).
Public propertyRowCreatedJavaScript
Gets or sets the Javascript code that is executed when the user finishes editing a new row field (after the default action).
Public propertyRowCreateHandling
RowCreate event handling. Setting the value to "Disabled" will deactivate the feature.
Public propertyRowCreateJavaScript
Gets or sets the Javascript code that is executed when the user finishes editing a new row field (before the default action).
Public propertyRowDoubleClickedJavaScript
Gets or sets the Javascript code that is executed when the user double-clicks a row header (after the default action).
Public propertyRowDoubleClickHandling
Handling of user action (double-clicking a row header).
Public propertyRowDoubleClickJavaScript
Gets or sets the Javascript code that is executed when the user double-clicks a row header (before the default action).
Public propertyRowEditedJavaScript
Gets or sets the Javascript code that is executed when the user finishes inline row editing (after the default action).
Public propertyRowEditHandling
Handling of user action (inline editing of a row name finished).
Public propertyRowEditJavaScript
Gets or sets the Javascript code that is executed when the user finishes inline row editing (before the default action).
Public propertyRowHeaderHideIconEnabled
Public propertyRowHeaderScrolling
Whether the horizontal scrollbar is enabled (RowHeaderWidth is enforced).
Public propertyRowHeaderSplitterWidth
Row header splitter width in pixels.
Public propertyRowHeaderWidth
Width of the row header (resource names) in pixels.
Public propertyRowHeaderWidthAutoFit
Whether to increase the row header width automatically to fit the content.
Public propertyRowMarginBottom
Row margin below the events. In pixels.
Public propertyRowMinHeight
Minimum row height in pixels.
Public propertyRowMovedJavaScript
Gets or sets the Javascript code that is executed when the user finishes drag and drop task row moving (after the default action).
Public propertyRowMoveHandling
Handling of user action (row dropped at a new location).
Public propertyRowMoveJavaScript
Gets or sets the Javascript code that is executed when the user finishes drag and drop task row moving (before the default action).
Public propertyRowSelectedJavaScript
Gets or sets the Javascript code that is executed when the user selects a row (after the default action).
Public propertyRowSelectHandling
Handling of user action (selecting a row).
Public propertyRowSelectJavaScript
Gets or sets the Javascript code that is executed when the user selects a row (before the default action).
Public propertyScale
Time scale unit.
Public propertyScrollDelayCells
The delay in milliseconds before the grid cells are rendered during scrolling.
Public propertyScrollDelayFloats
The delay in milliseconds before the floating events and headers are updated during scrolling.
Public propertyScrollDelayTasks
The delay in milliseconds before the events are rendered during scrolling (for DynamicEventRendering="Progressive").
Public propertyScrollX
Horizontal scroll position in pixels. See also SetScrollPosition(DateTime).
Public propertyScrollY
Vertical scroll position in pixels.
Protected propertySelectArguments (Inherited from DataBoundControl.)
Public propertySelectedRows
Public propertySeparators
Collection of separators. Separators are customizable vertical lines drawn at a certain time position.
Public propertyShowNonBusiness
True if the non-business hour cells should be visible.
Public propertySite (Inherited from Control.)
Public propertySkinID (Inherited from WebControl.)
Public propertySnapToGrid
Snap events to grid when moving or resizing.
Public propertyStartDate
Gets or sets the first day to be shown. Default is DateTime.Today.
Public propertyStoreLinksInViewState
Whether the links should be stored in the ViewState.
Public propertyStoreTasksInViewState
Whether the tasks should be stored in the ViewState.
Public propertyStyle (Inherited from WebControl.)
Public propertySyncLinks
Whether the links should be synchronized with the server during CallBacks.
Public propertySyncTasks
Whether the task tree should be synchronized with the server during CallBacks.
Public propertyTabIndex (Inherited from WebControl.)
Protected propertyTagKey (Inherited from WebControl.)
Protected propertyTagName (Inherited from WebControl.)
Public propertyTaskClickedJavaScript
Gets or sets the Javascript code that is executed when the user clicks a task box (after the default action).
Public propertyTaskClickHandling
Determines the action to be executed after the user clicks a task box.
Public propertyTaskClickJavaScript
Gets or sets the Javascript code that is executed when the user clicks a task box (before the default action).
Public propertyTaskDeletedJavaScript
Gets or sets the Javascript code that is executed when the user deletes a task (after the default action).
Public propertyTaskDeleteHandling
Determines the action to be executed after the user deletes a task.
Public propertyTaskDeleteJavaScript
Gets or sets the Javascript code that is executed when the user deletes a task (before the default action).
Public propertyTaskDoubleClickedJavaScript
Gets or sets the Javascript code that is executed when the user double-clicks a task box (after the default action).
Public propertyTaskDoubleClickHandling
Determines the action to be executed after the user double-clicks a task box.
Public propertyTaskDoubleClickJavaScript
Gets or sets the Javascript code that is executed when the user double-clicks a task box (before the default action).
Public propertyTaskGroupMode
Public propertyTaskHeight
Height of the task in pixels.
Public propertyTaskMovedJavaScript
Gets or sets the Javascript code that is executed when the user moves a task (after the default action).
Public propertyTaskMoveHandling
Determines the action to be executed after the user moves a task. If set to Disabled moving is not enabled on the client side.
Public propertyTaskMoveJavaScript
Gets or sets the Javascript code that is executed when the user moves a task (before the default action).
Public propertyTaskMovingJavaScript
Gets or sets the Javascript code that is executed during task moving.
Public propertyTaskMovingStartEndEnabled
Whether to display real-time position indicators during event moving.
Public propertyTaskMovingStartEndFormat
Date/time format used for position indicators during event moving.
Public propertyTaskResizedJavaScript
Gets or sets the Javascript code that is executed when the user resizes a task (after the default action).
Public propertyTaskResizeHandling
Determines the action to be executed after the user resizes a task. If set to Disabled moving is not enabled on the client side.
Public propertyTaskResizeJavaScript
Gets or sets the Javascript code that is executed when the user resizes a task (before the default action).
Public propertyTaskResizeMargin
Size of the drag&drop-sensitive margin in pixels.
Public propertyTaskResizingJavaScript
Gets or sets the Javascript code that is executed during task resizing.
Public propertyTaskResizingStartEndEnabled
Whether to display real-time position indicators during event resizing.
Public propertyTaskResizingStartEndFormat
Date/time format used for position indicators during event resizing.
Public propertyTaskRightClickedJavaScript
Gets or sets the Javascript code that is executed when the user right-clicks a task box (after the default action).
Public propertyTaskRightClickHandling
Determines the action to be executed after the user right-clicks a task box.
Public propertyTaskRightClickJavaScript
Gets or sets the Javascript code that is executed when the user right-clicks a task box (before the default action).
Public propertyTasks
Collection of Gantt tasks.
Public propertyTaskVersionHeight
Public propertyTaskVersionMargin
Public propertyTaskVersionsEnabled
Public propertyTemplateControl (Inherited from Control.)
Public propertyTemplateSourceDirectory (Inherited from Control.)
Public propertyTheme
Specifies the CSS theme.
Public propertyTimeFormat
Gets or sets the time-format for hour numbers (on the top).
Public propertyTimeHeaders
Collection of time header groups.
Public propertyTimeHeadersResolved
Public propertyTimeline
Time line cell collection.
Public propertyToolTip (Inherited from WebControl.)
Public propertyTreeAutoExpand
Whether to automatically expand parent tree nodes during drag and drop event moving.
Public propertyTreeImageMarginLeft
Left margin of the collapse/expand image in pixels.
Public propertyTreeImageMarginTop
Top margin of the collapse/expand image in pixels.
Public propertyTreeIndent
Left indent of the children in pixels.
Public propertyUniqueID (Inherited from Control.)
Public propertyUseEventBoxes
When set to Always (default) events are shown in boxes that are aligned with the cell size. Set to Never or ShortEventsOnly if you want to show events in real length.
Protected propertyViewState (Inherited from Control.)
Protected propertyViewStateIgnoresCase (Inherited from Control.)
Public propertyVisible (Inherited from Control.)
Public propertyVisibleEnd
Public propertyVisibleStart
Public propertyWeekStarts
Determines the first day of week (Sunday/Monday/Auto).
Public propertyWidth
Width of the control (pixels and percentage values supported).
(Overrides WebControl..::..Width.)

See Also