The DayPilotMonth type exposes the following members.
Name | Description | |
AccessKey | (Inherited from WebControl.) | |
Adapter | (Inherited from Control.) | |
AfterEventRenderJavaScript |
The JavaScript code that will be executed after rendering an event on the client side. Two variables are available: e (Event object), div (event DIV element).
| |
AfterRenderJavaScript |
The JavaScript code that will be executed after client-side rendering is finished (initial, after PostBack, or CallBack).
| |
AllowMultiSelect |
Allows selecting multiple events (using Ctrl + click).
| |
AppRelativeTemplateSourceDirectory | (Inherited from Control.) | |
Attributes | (Inherited from WebControl.) | |
AutoRefreshCommand |
The command that will be passed to Command event during automatic refresh.
| |
AutoRefreshEnabled |
Enables the AutoRefresh feature.
| |
AutoRefreshInterval |
Auto-refresh interval in seconds. Minimum 10 seconds.
| |
AutoRefreshMaxCount |
Maximum auto-refresh count (after inactivity).
| |
BackColor |
Gets or sets the background color of the Web server control.
(Overrides WebControl..::..BackColor.) | |
BindingContainer | (Inherited from Control.) | |
BorderColor |
Gets or sets the border color.
(Overrides WebControl..::..BorderColor.) | |
BorderStyle | (Inherited from WebControl.) | |
BorderWidth | (Inherited from WebControl.) | |
BubbleID |
ID of the advanced tooltip control (DayPilotBubble) that will be used for calendar events.
| |
CallBack |
A shortcut for all properties that can be modified during a CallBack update.
| |
CallBackErrorJavaScript |
Gets or sets the Javascript code that is executed on error during AJAX callback.
| |
CellHeaderBackColor |
Gets or sets the cell header background color.
| |
CellHeaderFontColor |
Color of the cell header font.
| |
CellHeaderFontFamily |
Font family of the cell header, e.g. "Tahoma".
| |
CellHeaderFontSize |
Font size of the cell header, e.g. "10pt".
| |
CellHeaderHeight |
Gets or sets the cell header height in pixels.
| |
CellMarginBottom |
Minimal space below the events in a cell.
| |
ClientID | (Inherited from Control.) | |
ClientIDSeparator | (Inherited from Control.) | |
ClientObjectName |
JavaScript instance name on the client-side. If it is not specified the control ClientID will be used.
| |
ClientState |
Object saved to clientState field on the client side.
| |
Context | (Inherited from Control.) | |
ContextMenuID |
ID of the DayPilotMenu control that will be used for context menu. If no ID is specified, the context menu will be disabled.
| |
ContextMenuSelectionID |
ID of the DayPilotMenu control that will be used for context menu on time range selection. If no ID is specified, the context menu will be disabled.
| |
Controls | (Inherited from Control.) | |
ControlStyle | (Inherited from WebControl.) | |
ControlStyleCreated | (Inherited from WebControl.) | |
CssClass | Obsolete.
Specifies the CSS class that contains style definitions for this control.
(Overrides WebControl..::..CssClass.) | |
CssClassPrefix | Obsolete.
Specifies the prefix of the CSS classes that contain style definitions for the elements of this control.
| |
CssOnly | Obsolete.
Whether to ignore all style properties. Only CSS styling will be used.
| |
DataEndField |
Gets or sets the name of the column that contains the event ending date and time (must be convertible to DateTime).
| |
DataIdField |
Gets or sets the name of the column that contains the id (primary key).
| |
DataMember | (Inherited from DataBoundControl.) | |
DataRecurrenceField |
Name of the data source field that contains recurrence information string.
| |
DataServerTagFields |
Gets or sets the name of the fields that contain the custom event data. These fields will be only accessible in the BeforeEventRender event handler.
| |
DataSource | (Inherited from BaseDataBoundControl.) | |
DataSourceID | (Inherited from DataBoundControl.) | |
DataSourceObject | (Inherited from DataBoundControl.) | |
DataStartField |
Gets or sets the name of the column that contains the event starting date and time (must be convertible to DateTime).
| |
DataTagFields |
Gets or sets the name of the column that contains the custom event data.
| |
DataTextField |
Gets or sets the name of the column that contains the name of an event.
| |
DataValueField | Obsolete.
Gets or sets the name of the column that contains the id (primary key). Obsolete. Use .DataIdField instead.
| |
DesignMode | (Inherited from Control.) | |
DoubleClickTimeout |
Double-click timeout in milliseconds.
| |
Enabled | (Inherited from WebControl.) | |
EnableTheming | (Inherited from WebControl.) | |
EnableViewState | (Inherited from Control.) | |
EventBackColor |
Gets or sets the event background color.
| |
EventBorderColor |
Gets or sets the event border color.
| |
EventClickHandling |
Handling of user action (clicking an event).
| |
EventClickJavaScript |
Gets or sets the Javascript code that is executed when the user clicks an event.
| |
EventCorners |
Corner look: regular or rounded. Rounded corners are not supported in IE up to IE 8.
| |
EventDeleteHandling |
Handling of event delete action.
| |
EventDeleteJavaScript |
Gets or sets the Javascript code that is executed when the users clicks the delete icon.
| |
EventDoubleClickHandling |
Handling of user action (double-clicking an event).
| |
EventDoubleClickJavaScript |
Gets or sets the Javascript code that is executed when the user double-clicks an event.
| |
EventEndTime |
Show the event end time?
| |
EventFontColor |
Color of event font.
| |
EventFontFamily |
Font family of the event text, e.g. "Tahoma".
| |
EventFontSize |
Font size of the event text, e.g. "8pt".
| |
EventHeight |
Gets or sets the event height in pixels.
| |
EventMoveHandling |
Determines the action to be executed after a user moves an event. If set to Disabled moving is not enabled on the client side.
| |
EventMoveJavaScript |
Gets or sets the Javascript code that is executed when a user moves an event.
| |
EventMoveToPosition |
Allows selecting an exact position in the target day cell when moving.
| |
EventResizeHandling |
Determines the action to be executed after a user resizes an event. If set to Disabled resizing is not enabled on the client side.
| |
EventResizeJavaScript |
Gets or sets the Javascript function that is executed when a user moves an event.
| |
EventRightClickHandling |
Handling of user action (right mouse click on an event).
| |
EventRightClickJavaScript |
Gets or sets the Javascript code that is executed when the user clicks an event.
| |
Events | (Inherited from Control.) | |
EventSelectHandling |
Handling of user action (selecting an event).
| |
EventSelectJavaScript |
Gets or sets the Javascript code that is executed when the user selects an event.
| |
EventSortExpression |
Sorting expression for cell stacking mode, e.g. 'priority asc, name desc'.
| |
EventStackingMode |
Event stacking context: row or cell.
| |
EventStartTime |
Show the event start time?
| |
EventTextAlignment |
Alignment of the event text.
| |
EventTextLayer |
Show text over time if there is not enough space?
| |
EventTextLeftIndent |
Left indent of the event text in pixels. Applies only when EventTextAlignment='Left' and EventStartTime='true'.
| |
EventTimeFontColor |
Color of event time font.
| |
EventTimeFontFamily |
Font family of the event time, e.g. "Tahoma".
| |
EventTimeFontSize |
Font size of the event time, e.g. "8pt".
| |
Font | (Inherited from WebControl.) | |
ForeColor | (Inherited from WebControl.) | |
HasAttributes | (Inherited from WebControl.) | |
HasChildViewState | (Inherited from Control.) | |
HeaderBackColor |
Gets or sets the header background color.
| |
HeaderClickHandling |
Determines header click handling.
| |
HeaderClickJavaScript |
Javascript code that is executed when the user clicks a day header.
| |
HeaderFontColor |
Color of the column header font.
| |
HeaderFontFamily |
Font family of the column header, e.g. "Tahoma".
| |
HeaderFontSize |
Font size of the column header, e.g. "10pt".
| |
HeaderHeight |
Gets or sets the header height in pixels.
| |
Height |
Gets or sets the control height. Only pixel values are allowed.
(Overrides WebControl..::..Height.) | |
HeightSpec |
Specifies whether the height should be adjusted automatically to show all resources (Auto) or fixed (Fixed). Fixed height is specified using Height property.
| |
ChildControlsCreated | (Inherited from Control.) | |
ID | (Inherited from Control.) | |
IdSeparator | (Inherited from Control.) | |
Initialized | (Inherited from BaseDataBoundControl.) | |
InnerBorderColor |
Gets or sets the inner border color.
| |
IsBoundUsingDataSourceID | (Inherited from BaseDataBoundControl.) | |
IsEnabled | (Inherited from WebControl.) | |
IsExport |
True if the control is beign exported using Export() method. Useful inside Before__RenderEvent event handlers.
| |
IsChildControlStateCleared | (Inherited from Control.) | |
IsTrackingViewState | (Inherited from Control.) | |
IsViewStateEnabled | (Inherited from Control.) | |
LoadViewStateByID | (Inherited from Control.) | |
MessageHideAfter |
The timeout delay of the message bar (in milliseconds).
| |
MinCellHeight |
Minimum height of the day cell in pixels. It will be extended if needed.
| |
NamingContainer | (Inherited from Control.) | |
NonBusinessBackColor |
Background color of time cells outside of the busines hours.
| |
NotifyCommit | ||
Page | (Inherited from Control.) | |
Parent | (Inherited from Control.) | |
RecurrentEventExceptionImage |
URL of the image that indicate a recurring event (exception from the series).
| |
RecurrentEventImage |
URL of the image that indicate a recurring event.
| |
RequiresDataBinding | (Inherited from BaseDataBoundControl.) | |
ResolvedWeekStart |
Day of week specified using WeekStarts property, translated to an actual DayOfWeek.
| |
ResourcesPath |
The directory that contains static files (will be processed using ResolveUrl()).
| |
ResourcesStatic |
Whether the resources (.js and image files) should be loaded statically (from a directory specified in ResourcesPath).
| |
SelectArguments | (Inherited from DataBoundControl.) | |
Shadow |
Type of the event shadow that is used for moving and resizing.
| |
ShowEventStartEnd | Obsolete.
Whether to show the event start and end times.
| |
ShowToolTip |
Determines whether the event tooltip is active.
| |
ShowWeekend |
Whether the calendar should contain weekends.
| |
Site | (Inherited from Control.) | |
SkinID | (Inherited from WebControl.) | |
StartDate |
Gets or sets the first day to be shown. Default is DateTime.Today.
| |
StoreEventsInViewState |
Whether the events should be stored in the ViewState.
| |
Style | (Inherited from WebControl.) | |
TabIndex | (Inherited from WebControl.) | |
TagKey | (Inherited from WebControl.) | |
TagName | (Inherited from WebControl.) | |
TemplateControl | (Inherited from Control.) | |
TemplateSourceDirectory | (Inherited from Control.) | |
Theme |
Specifies the CSS theme.
| |
TimeFormat |
Gets or sets the time format that will be used for hour details inside events.
| |
TimeRangeDoubleClickHandling |
Determines time range double click handling.
| |
TimeRangeDoubleClickJavaScript |
Javascript code that is executed when the double clicks a selected time range.
| |
TimeRangeSelectedHandling |
Handling of user action (clicking a free-time slot).
| |
TimeRangeSelectedJavaScript |
Gets or sets the Javascript code that is executed when a user selects a time range.
| |
ToolTip | (Inherited from WebControl.) | |
UniqueID | (Inherited from Control.) | |
ViewState | (Inherited from Control.) | |
ViewStateIgnoresCase | (Inherited from Control.) | |
ViewType |
How many weeks (rows) to show. 'Month' will show a full month, 'Weeks' only the number of weeks specified using Weeks property.
| |
Visible | (Inherited from Control.) | |
VisibleEnd |
Gets the last visible day.
| |
VisibleStart |
Gets the first visible day.
| |
Weeks |
How many weeks (rows) to show. Only used for ViewType="Weeks".
| |
WeekStarts |
Determines the first day of week (Sunday/Monday/Auto).
| |
Width |
Width of the control (pixels and percentage values supported).
(Overrides WebControl..::..Width.) |