The BeforeTimeHeaderRenderEventArgs type exposes the following members.


Public propertyAreas
Public propertyBackgroundColor
Cell background color.
Public propertyEnd
Cell end time.
Public propertyInnerHTML
Cell HTML.
Public propertyIsColGroup Obsolete.
True if this cell is in a column group header (i.e. not the bottom row). Obsolete: This property is always true. Use Level instead to detect the header level.
Public propertyLevel
Header level (row), starting at 0.
Public propertyStart
Cell start time.
Public propertyToolTip
Cell ToolTip, displayed on mouse hover.
Public propertyVisible Obsolete.
Whether this column should be displayed when ShowNonBusiness == false. Ignored for IsColGroup == true. Obsolete: This property is ignored. Use DayPilotScheduler.IncludeCell event to customize time cell visibility.

See Also