The RenderEventBubbleEventArgs type exposes the following members.


Public propertyEnd
Event end.
Public propertyInnerHTML
HTML to be returned to the bubble.
(Inherited from RenderEventArgs.)
Public propertyIsAllDay
Is it an all-day event?
Public propertyRecurrent
Is the event part of a recurrent event sequence?
Public propertyRecurrentException
True if this is an exception from the recurrent event series.
Public propertyRecurrentMasterId
Id of the recurrent event definition (not of this occurrence).
Public propertyResourceId
Event resource id.
Public propertySourceUniqueID
ID of the control (e.g. "DayPilotCalendar1") that owns the hovered element.
(Inherited from RenderEventArgs.)
Public propertyStart
Event start.
Public propertyTag
Custom fields.
Public propertyText
Event text.
Public propertyValue
Event value.

See Also