The BeforeEventRenderEventArgs type exposes the following members.


Public propertyAreas
Activea areas.
Public propertyBackgroundColor
Color of the event background.
Public propertyBackgroundImage
URL of the background image for the event.
Public propertyBackgroundRepeat
Repeat specification for the background image (accepts values allowed by CSS specification, e.g. "repeat-x").
Public propertyBorderColor
Color of the border for this event.
Public propertyBubbleHtml
Specifies HTML code to be used for bubble content. If this property is specified the bubble content is not reqested from the server.
Public propertyColumnId Obsolete.
Public propertyContextMenuClientName
The name of context menu instance (JavaScript, see DayPilotMenu.ClientObjectName).
Public propertyCssClass
CSS class for the event. Overrides the global definition.
Public propertyDataItem
DataSource element containing the source data for this event.
Public propertyDurationBarBackColor
Color of the event duration bar background.
Public propertyDurationBarColor
Color of the event duration bar.
Public propertyDurationBarImageUrl
URL of the duration bar background.
Public propertyDurationBarVisible
Set to false to disable duration bar on this calendar event.
Public propertyEnd
Event ending date and time (DayPilotCalendar.DataStartField property). Read-only.
Public propertyEventClickEnabled
Set to false to disable clicking on this calendar event on the client-side.
Public propertyEventDeleteEnabled
Set to false to disable deleting this calendar event using the X button in the upper right corner.
Public propertyEventDoubleClickEnabled
Set to false to disable double clicking on this calendar event on the client-side.
Public propertyEventMoveEnabled
Set to false to disable moving of this calendar event on the client-side.
Public propertyEventMoveHorizontalEnabled
Set to false to disable horizontal moving of this event on the client-side.
Public propertyEventMoveVerticalEnabled
Set to false to disable vertical moving of this event on the client-side.
Public propertyEventResizeEnabled
Set to false to disable resizing of this event on the client-side.
Public propertyEventRightClickEnabled
Set to false to disable right mouse click on this calendar event on the client-side.
Public propertyFontColor
Event font color.
Public propertyHtml
Inner HTML of the event (use it to rewrite the default content).
Public propertyId
Event id.
Public propertyInnerHTML Obsolete.
Inner HTML of the event (use it to rewrite the default content). Obsolete. Use .Html instead.
Public propertyPercentComplete
Public propertyRecurrent
Is the event part of a recurrent event sequence?
Public propertyRecurrentException
True if this is an exception from the recurrent event series.
Public propertyRecurrentMasterId
Id of the recurrent event definition (not of this occurrence).
Public propertyResourceId
Event resource id. Read-only.
Public propertyServerTag Obsolete.
Custom event data (DayPilotScheduler.DataServerTagFields property). Read-only. Obsolete. Use .DataItem instead.
Public propertyStart
Event starting date and time (DayPilotCalendar.DataStartField property). Read-only.
Public propertyStaticBubbleHTML Obsolete.
Specifies HTML code to be used for bubble content. If this property is specified the bubble content is not reqested from the server. Obsolete. Use .BubbleHtml instead.
Public propertyTag
Custom event data (DayPilotCalendar.DataTagFields property). Read-only.
Public propertyText
Event text (DayPilotCalendar.DataTextField property). Read-only.
Public propertyToolTip
Tooltip that appears when user hovers over the event (title HTML tag).
Public propertyValue Obsolete.
Event value (DayPilotCalendar.DataValueField property). Read-only. Obsolete. Use .Id instead.

See Also