There are many options to change the default appearance:
Property | Description | Type | Default value |
BackColor | Background color of a standard hour cell (business hours). | Color | #FFFFD5 |
BorderColor | Color of the calendar border. | Color | #000000 |
DayFontFamily | Font of the day header. | string | Tahoma |
DayFontSize | Size of the day header. | Unit | 10pt |
EventBackColor | Background color of an event. | Color | #FFFFFF |
EventBorderColor | Color of the event border. | Color | #808080 |
EventFontFamily | Font of the event text. | string | Tahoma |
EventFontSize | Size of the event text. | Unit | 8pt |
EventHoverColor | Background color of an event when the cursors hovers over it. | Color | #DCDCDC |
EventLeftBarColor | Color of the bar on the left side of an event. | Color | #0000FF |
HourBorderColor | Color of the border between two the last half in an hour and the following hour. | Color | #EAD098 |
HourFontFamily | Font of the hour name. | string | Tahoma |
HourFontSize | Size of the hour name. | Unit | 16pt |
HourHalfBorderColor | Color of the border between the first and the second half in an hour. | Color | #F3E4B1 |
HourNameBackColor | Backround color of the hour name. | Color | #ECE9D8 |
HourNameBorderColor | Color of the border between hour names (vertical separator). | Color | #ACA899 |
HoverColor | Background color of an hour cell when the cursor hovers over it. | Color | #FFED95 |
NonBusinessBackColor | Background color of a non-business hour cell. | Color | #FFF4BC |
HourHeight | Hour height in pixels. Minimum is 30. It must be even. | int | 40 |
HourWidth | Width of the hour name in pixels. | int | 40 |
BusinessBeginsHour | Hour when the business hours start. | int | 9 |
BusinessEndsHour | Hour when the business hours end. | int | 18 |
NonBusinessHours | Determines whether the non-business hours should be visible (if there is no event). | NonBusinessHoursBehavior | NonBusinessHoursBehavior.HideIfPossible |
ShowHours | Determines whether the hour names column should be visible. | bool | true |
TimeFormat | The time format - 12-hours cycle (3 PM) or 24-hours cycle (15:00). | TimeFormat | TimeFormat.Clock12Hours |
Width | Width of the control. | Unit | null |
For appearance examples see the screenshots page.