3. Data-Related Properties Overview

Here are the data-related properties of DayPilotCalendar:

Property Description Type Default value
DataSource Source of event data. IListSource, IEnumerable, or IDataSource (including DataSet, DataTable, DataView, ArrayList) null
DataSourceID Id of data source component. string null
DataStartField Name of the data source column that contains the event start date and time. string null
DataEndField Name of the data source column that contains the event end  date and time. string null
DataTextField Name of the data source column that contains the event name. string null
DataValueField Name of the data source column that contains the event ID. The Id will be passed to the event handling code when clicking on the event. string null
StartDate The first date that should be shown by the calendar. DateTime DateTime.Today
Days The number of days to be shown. Minimum is 1 and maximum 21. int 1