Released on 1 May, 2007.
There is be a new option for EventClickEventHandling:
When the handling is set to Edit, the event is turned into an editable box after a user click.
The changes submission can be handled as usual:
See a live demo.
New JavaScript-related features:
1. The client-side object name can be set using ClientObjectName property. In the previous releases the object name was always ClientID of the control. That resulted in a very long name when the control was placed in a page that used master pages (e.g. ctl00_ContentPlaceHolder1_DayPilotCalendar1).
2. It is now easier to call CallBack and PostBack requests from custom JavaScript event handlers.
Custom resizing handler (before):
function customResize(start, pstart, end, id, tag, border, step) {
var params = 'RES:' + escape(start) + '&' + escape(pstart) + '&' + escape(end) + '&'
+ escape(border) + '&' + escape(step) + '&' + escape(id) + '&' + escape(id);
__doPostBack('ctl00$ContentPlaceHolder1$DayPilotCalendar1', params);
Custom resizing handler (now):
function customResize(e, newStart, newEnd) {
dpc1.eventResizeCallBack(e, newStart, newEnd);
The parameters are now passed in a reasonable format: e is an object representing an event, newStart is a Date object representing the new starting date and time and newEnd is a Date object representing the new ending date and time.
3. All JavaScript handlers are now passed a JavaScript object representing the given calendar event (except of TimeRangeSelected) instead of a set of individual properties.
There is a new control (DayPilotMobile) that supports events rendering in a very simplified format that can be rendered in mobile devices.
See a live demo.
Sample output (without free time links):
Sample output (with free time links):
The data binding API is the same as for DayPilotCalendar. DayPilotMobile supports a limited set of properties:
Current EventClickEventArgs properties:
All properties are available:
Each event can have a cusom context menu. The default menu specified in ContextMenuID property can be overridden in BeforeEventRender event by setting e.ContextMenuClientName property. Note that you should set DayPilotMenu.ClientObjectName for these custom menus.
See a live demo.
1. Context menu title can be turned off (DayPilotMenu.ShowMenuTitle property).
2. For overnight events (that are shown as separate parts in each day) moving and resizing is limited:
This behavior is now indicated by a special cursor (not-allowed). The not-allowed cursor is shown when the mouse is over a part where usually an action would be allowed but is not because the it is only an event part.
3. It is possible to specify custom date for each column in resources view. This way it is possible to hide non-business days: