Released on December 11, 2007 (build 1309).
(F45) Outlook-style month view

A new Outlook-style month view is now available (DayPilot Month control).
- The control Width can be specified in pixels or in percent.
- Configurable first day of week (WeekStarts property has three possible values: Auto, Monday, Sunday).
- Month and day automatically using the current culture language.
- Supports events spanning multiple days (including AJAX resizing and moving).
- If the starting or ending time is not 00:00 it is indicated in the event.
- The cell height automatically streches if there are too more events. You can specify the MinCellHeight.
- Headers customizable using BeforeHeaderRender event.
- Events customizable using BeforeEventRender event.
- Cells customizable using BeforeCellRender event.
User actions supported:
- EventClick
- EventRightClick
- EventMenuClick
- EventMove (supports multiline and partially hidden events)
- EventResize (supports multiline and partially hidden events)
- TimeRangeSelected (limited support, just for click on a single cell)
Rendering events supported:
- BeforeEventRender (configurable properties: BackgroundColor, InnerHTML)
- BeforeCellRender (configurable properties: BackgroundColor, HeaderText, IsBusiness)
- BeforeHeaderRender (configurable properties: BackgroundColor, InnerHTML)
Limitations of the first version:
- CSS class styling not supported
- Shows only a single month (maximum 6 rows)
- Time range selection not supported
- Events can't be disabled per event
- Design-time preview is schematic only
- Bubbles are not supported
- ToolTips are not supported
- Inline editing is not supported
- Start and end time indicator can't be turned off
- Value of e.Start property fixed in EventClick and other event-related events.
DayPilot Scheduler
- Width in percent for Firefox and Internet Explorer.
- HeaderFontColor property added.
- LoadingLabelText marked as localizable.
DayPilot Calendar