Released on April 23, 2008 (build 1399).
Main features
(F66) Separators (DayPilot Scheduler)

A possibility to insert a vertical line at a specified time position in DayPilot Scheduler.
Status: Implemented
(F67) Double-click event for time range selection (DayPilot Calendar)

Persistent time range selection (selection that doesn't fire TimeRangeSelected right after the dragging is finished - TimeRangeSelectedHandling is set to Hold or HoldForever) is extended in DayPilot Calendar to allow the following actions:
- context menu
- double click (new)
The double click is handled according to TimeRangeDoubleClickHandling value:
- Disabled (default)
- JavaScript (TimeRangeDoubleClickJavaScript is fired on the client side)
- PostBack (fires TimeRangeDoubleClick using PostBack)
- CallBack (fires TimeRangeDoucleClick using CallBack)
Status: Implemented
(F68) Cell header background colors (DayPilot Month)

Cell header background color can be changed globally (using CellHeaderBackColor property) or individually (using BeforeCellRender and e.HeaderBackColor) in DayPilot Month.
Status: Implemented
Fixes and minor improvements (beta)
DayPilot Bubble
- The bubble was appearing at a wrong place when the server-side DayPilotBubble control was placed inside a relatively/absolutely positioned <div> element.
- A new UseBorder property allows to turn off the bubble border.
- When you set Width="0" the bubble width will be adjusted automatically according to the content.
DayPilot Month
- BeforeCellRender is now properly called during CallBack/PostBack.
- ToolTips enabled for events.
- ShowToolTip property added (allows turning the ToolTips on/off).
DayPilot Calendar
- ToolTips enabled for all-day events.
Fixes and minor improvements (final)
DayPilot Calendar
- Case 1510 (bug): In Resources mode, columns without Date property specified caused NaN errors on EventMove and TimeRangeSelected events.
- Forum 387 (bug): All-day events ending at 24:00 were visible on the following day.
- Forum 399 (bug): Apostrophe character is now properly encoded in ToolTip.
- Case 1527 (bug): If the number of columns was changed during CallBack (Refresh) it wasn't updated properly on the client side.
- BUG: Empty Column.ToolTip value was transformed into "null" text in the ToolTip.
DayPilot Month
- Forum 396 (bug): BeforeHeaderRender was not called during CallBack.