Released on May 13, 2009 (build 1773).
(F) CSS support for DayPilot Month

DayPilot Month control now supports CSS class styling using CssClassPrefix property.
Status: Implemented
(F) CSS themes (DayPilot Calendar, DayPilot Scheduler, DayPilot Month)

See also:
Status: Implemented
(F) Crosshair (DayPilot Scheduler)

DayPilot Scheduler can highlight the current cursor position by showing a crosshair. It helps with orientation in large grids.
Status: Implemented
(F) Minimum row height (DayPilot Scheduler)

It's now possible to specify the minimum row height for DayPilot Scheduler.
See also:
Status: Implemented
(F) Maximum control height (DayPilot Scheduler)

It's now possible to let the Scheduler control height grow automatically with rows until the maximum height is reached.
Status: Implemented
(F) Transparent move/resize shadow (DayPilot Calendar, DayPilot Scheduler)

See also:
Status: Implemented
Bug fixes and minor improvements
DayPilot Scheduler
- Improvement: WeekStarts property added.
- Forum 720 (bug): Context menu for events fixed (time cell context menu was appearing instead).
- Forum 721 (bug): RowMarginBottom was not taken into account when calculating the total control height.
- Forum 732 (bug): Event dragging was throwing JavaScript when moving the event to the left border when horizontal scrollbar position was more than 0.
- Bug: Row header height was not properly updated after row height change.
- Bug: Time range selection was cancelled on right click (when created by dragging from the right to the left).
DayPilot Calendar
- Bug: The start time was incorrect after external drag&drop. It was adding the current minute offset to the cell start.
DayPilot Navigator
- Forum 658 (improvement): Direct binding to DayPilot object using the client-side object name (BoundDayPilotClientObjectName property).
DayPilot Bubble
- Improvement: ZIndex property added.
DayPilot Context Menu
- Improvement: ZIndex property added.