Released on July 22, 2009 (build 1863).
1. Hiding Non-Business Hours for DayPilot Scheduler

Backported from DayPilot Dynamic Scheduler.
The missing rows are indicated by lines that use TimeBreakColor.
Status: Implemented
2. Dynamic Event Rendering (DayPilot Scheduler)

See also:
Status: Implemented
3. Resource Header Click Event for DayPilot Scheduler

Status: Implemented
4. Context Menu for Resource Headers (DayPilot Scheduler)

Status: Implemented
5. SQL Server and ModalPopupExtender Tutorial (DayPilot Calendar)

This sample used to be a part of the standard DayPilot Pro package as DemoSQL. An improved version is now available as DayPilot Calendar + SQL Server Tutorial:
- SQL Server connection using SqlDataSource
- Modal popup using ModalPopupExtender
- UpdatePanel partial PostBacks mixed with fast internal CallBacks
- System.Web.UI.Calendar used for navigation
Status: Implemented
6. Event Move/Resize Margin (DayPilot Scheduler)
EventMoveMargin property:

EventResizeMargin property:

Status: Implemented
7. CSS Style for Weekends (DayPilot Navigator)
Old style:

New style:

The "navigator_silver" template is updated.
See also
Status: Implemented
8. Crosshair Color and Opacity (DayPilot Scheduler)
Default values
- (CrosshairColor="Gray")
- (CrosshairOpacity="20")
- (Crosshair="Header")

Custom values (header only)
- CrosshairColor="Orange"
- CrosshairOpacity="50"
- (Crosshair="Header")

Custom values (full)
- CrosshairColor="Orange"
- CrosshairOpacity="50"
- Crosshair="Full"

Status: Implemented
9. Event Time Font (DayPilot Month)

Three new properties are available:
- EventTimeFontFamily (default value "Tahoma")
- EventTimeFontSize (default value "8pt")
- EventTimeFontColor (default value "gray")
See also
10. CellBorderColor Property (DayPilot Scheduler)

11. EmptyBackColor Property (DayPilot Scheduler)

12. Loading Label Properties (DayPilot Scheduler)

Existing properties:
- LoadingLabelVisible (boolean)
- LoadingLabelText (string)
New properties:
- LoadingLabelBackColor (Color)
- LoadingLabelFontColor (Color)
- LoadingLabelFontSize (string)
- LoadingLabelFontFamily (string)
13. Improved All-Day Events (DayPilot Calendar)
Old style:

New style:

- All-day events spanning several days are now rendered as a single rectangle.
- All-day events can be styled using CSS classes.
- Independent font properties:
- AllDayEventFontColor
- AllDayEventFontFamily
- AllDayEventFontSize
The class suffix used for all-day events is "alldayevent".
See also
14. Minor Improvements and Bug Fixes
DayPilot Calendar
- Bug (case 1903): EventDoubleClick event was not fired when EventClickHandling was set to "Disabled".
- Improvement: Default browser context menu disabled for all parts of the control.
DayPilot Scheduler
- Improvement: Default browser context menu disabled for all parts of the control.
DayPilot Month
- Bug (case 2232): Events starting at 00:00 time with zero duration rendered incorrectly.
- Improvement: Default browser context menu disabled for all parts of the control.