Release date: August 16, 2011
Autorefresh (Month)
- AutorefreshCommand
- AutorefreshEnabled
- AutoRefreshInterval
- AutoRefreshMaxCount
DayBeginsHour, DayEndsHour (Calendar)
DayEndsHour is supported. The Calendar is able to display up to 24 hours in each column with an arbitrary start and end.
AutoScroll="Drag" (Scheduler)
Limit the automatic scrolling to drag and drop operation (event resizing, event moving).
Vertical AutoScroll (Scheduler)
The scheduler supports automatic vertical scrolling.
Client-side event manipulation API (Scheduler)
Action queue:
Writing custom HTML to background cells (Scheduler)
Properties supported in BeforeCellRender:
- e.BackgroundImage
- e.BackgroundRepeat
- e.CssClass
- e.InnerHTML
Notify Event Model (Scheduler)
The Notify model updates the events on the client side immediately and notifies the server about the change. The traditional model fires the server-side event and asks for a new event set (which means bigger delay).
- EventMoveHandling="Notify"
- EventResizeHandling="Notify"
Every X month rule loading fixed in the edit dialog (build 2275)
RecurrentMasterId accessible in RenderEventBubbleEventArgs (build 2277)
Time range selecting properly disabled for TimeRangeSelectedHandling="Disabled" (build 2278)
DurationBar height fixed for UseEventBoxes="Never". (build 2279)
EventMoveJavaScript fixed ($d.eventMoveCustom is not defined). (build 2281)
Support for years 1 - 999 on the client side (build 2282)
DataSource checked for null again (on DataBind) (build 2283)
DataSource checked for null again (on DataBind) (build 2283)
Solution file for Visual Studio 2010 is now included (build 2286)
AutoRefresh implemented (build 2287)
updateFreeBusy() method is no longer clearing the existing cell classes. (build 2288)
The updateFreeBusy() method is now called from select() method so the free/busy highlighting is not lost. (build 2288)
Null RecurrentEventImage and RecurrentEventExceptionImage properties no
longer cause "Value cannot be null. Parameter name: relativeUrl" error.
(build 2288)
Null RecurrentEventImage and RecurrentEventExceptionImage properties no
longer cause "Value cannot be null. Parameter name: relativeUrl" error.
(build 2288)
JavaScript string values are encoded properly during initial page load.
Affects UpdateWithMessage() and other string properties that are passed
directly to the client. (build 2289)
DayBeginsHour synchronized on Update(CallBackUpdateType.Full). (build 2290)
DayEndsHour property added. (build 2292)
ExportBitmap() added. (build 2293)
ExportBitmap() added. (build 2293)
ExportBitmap() added. (build 2293)
IE9 mouse coordinates calculation fixed (DayPilot.mo2). (build 2294)
Empty Event.InnerHTML made the Text value visible (IE). (build 2295)
'Refused to set unsafe header "User-Agent"' error fixed (Chrome, Safari). (build 2295)
Regression bug: time range selection active after modal dialog was closed. (build 2296)
Image Export: Event background fixed for long text, EventTextAlignment = Left and EventTextIndent > 0. (build 2297)
StaticBubbleHTML added to BeforeEventRender (build 2298)
EventHoverHandling property added (build 2300)
EventClickHandling="Bubble" supported (build 2300)
Custom sorting (SortExpression) applied during image export (build 2301)
Overlapping events sorting fixed during image export. (build 2301)
Vertical autoscroll implemented (build 2302)
AutoScroll="Drag" option enables autoscroll during dragging (moving, resizing, selecting) only. (build 2302)
Notify event model introduced. (build 2303)
Shortened response for CallBackUpdateType.None (build 2304)
Shortened response for CallBackUpdateType.None (build 2304)
Client-side event-manipulation API added (store, queue). (build 2309)
EventCreate, EventUpdate, EventDelete events added (Notify) (build 2309)
Event resizing fixed (no more accidental TimeRangeSelected firing) (build 2310)
Message bar fading fixed (Chrome) (build 2311)
Header misalignment (Chrome) fixed. (build 2312)
Writing custom HTML to background cells (BeforeCellRender) (build 2314)
Time header width fixed (Chrome) (build 2315)
BeforeCellRender supports e.BackgroundImage, e.BackgroundRepeat, e.CssClass. (build 2317)
[Scheduler] changed to changed to dps.queue.commit changed to dps.queue.notify.
dps.queue.rollback changed to dps.queue.clear. DayPilotScheduler.Event
changed to DayPilot.eventBubbleCallBack. (build 2318)
Time header height fixed. (build 2318)
EventCreate renamed to EventAdd. (build 2319)
EventDelete renamed to EventRemove. (build 2319)
Notify commit fixed (queue.notify()). (build 2319)
Event editing using modal dialog (main Scheduler demo). (build 2319)
Notify model demo page (Scheduler). (build 2319)
Bubble opening fixed, Menu callbacks fixed, EventResize firing properly. (build 2320)
Visibility of last hour for BusinessEndsHour="24" and ShowNonBusiness="false" fixed. (build 2321)