Release date: November 1, 2020
DayPilotCalendar.TimeHeaderCellDuration synchronized during CallBacks.
(build 3770)
DayPilotDatePicker.Pattern supported
(build 3771)
Built-in client-side XSS protection (Calendar, Scheduler, Month, Gantt)
(build 3773)
Built-in client-side XSS protection (Calendar, Scheduler, Month, Gantt)
(build 3773)
Built-in client-side XSS protection (Calendar, Scheduler, Month, Gantt)
(build 3773)
Built-in client-side XSS protection (Calendar, Scheduler, Month, Gantt)
(build 3773)
[Calendar] accepts event id in addition to DayPilot.Event
(build 3774)
[Scheduler] accepts id as the first parameter (number | string) - in addition to DayPilot.Event object.
(build 3774)
[Calendar] accepts raw event data object in addition to DayPilot.Event
(build 3774)
Menu and MenuBar default themes use user-select:none to prevent text selection.
(build 3774)
DayPilot.Http.ajax uses method: "POST" if no method is specified and data parameter is present.
(build 3774)
Stricter DayPilot.Date constructor string format checking (ISO8601 format)
(build 3774)
Closing related menus and bubbles during dispose().
(build 3774)
Closing related menus and bubbles during dispose().
(build 3774)
Scheduler Theme 8 updated (expand/collapse icons)
(build 3774)
Closing related menus and bubbles during dispose().
(build 3774)
Scheduler inline row name edit element changed from textarea to input - better text alignment and wrapping.
(build 3774)
DayPilot.Scheduler.getCoords() supports "event" and "eventOffset" in the returned object.
(build 3774)
Bubble Bubble content dimensions measured off-screen when adjusting the position.
(build 3774)
Parsing "yy" in DayPilot.Date.parse(). Resolves to year 2000+.
(build 3774)
Bubble DayPilot.Bubble.getActive() returns the currently-visible DayPilot.Bubble object or null if no bubble is visible.
(build 3774)
DayPilot.Http.ajax(): HTTP response code 201 treated as success
(build 3774)
Default Month CSS theme - event content vertically centered.
(build 3774)
Link color updated in the default theme (Scheduler, Gantt).
(build 3774)
- added (static)
(build 3774)
Link color updated in the default theme (Scheduler, Gantt).
(build 3774)
DayPilot.Switcher, ensure that onChange/d is called during init (so that events can be loaded).
(build 3774)
DayPilot.Http.ajax(): HTTP response code 204 treated as success
(build 3774)
DayPilot.Http.ajax(): Parsing the response as JSON only if not empty
(build 3774)
Closing related menus and bubbles during dispose().
(build 3774)
DayPilot.Modal 3.7.1 integrated
(build 3774)
DayPilot.Scheduler.dragInProgress() method added
(build 3774)
Opening event context menu from onEventClick on touch devices - coords fixed (Scheduler).
(build 3774)
Target column detection (right edge) fixed (Calendar) - "TypeError: v is undefined".
(build 3774)
Export of links that point to events outside of the grid fixed (Scheduler, Gantt).
(build 3774)
Rendering events in rows displayed beyond the current viewport after update fixed (Scheduler, heightSpec: "Max" or "Auto").
(build 3774)
Vertical lines fixed for cellWidthSpec: "Auto" and active rowHeaderWidthAutoFit
(build 3774)
ResizeObserver disconnecting on dispose fixed (Calendar).
(build 3774)
Menu item text wrapping fixed (theme update).
(build 3774)
Mouse down of the second button during time range selection ignored - instead of resetting the selection (Scheduler).
(build 3774)
Export of links that point to events outside of the grid fixed (Scheduler, Gantt).
(build 3774)
Moving events with showNonBusiness=false fixed (Scheduler/viewType="Days").
(build 3774)
Export of the last grid column fixed (Scheduler).
(build 3774)
Auto cell width updated after row header is resized using splitter (Scheduler).
(build 3774)
API Changes
DayPilot.Scheduler.message(text, options) escapes the text to be displayed, use options.rawHtml = true to override this behavior.
(build 3774)
Static DayPilot.Duration initialization methods renamed to avoid confusion: seconds() -> ofSeconds(), minutes() -> ofMinutes(), hours() -> ofHours(), days() -> ofDays(), weeks() -> ofWeeks().
(build 3774)