Release date: March 15, 2023
Gantt Chart: Export customization (onBefore*Export events)
Export of all-day event active areas supported (Calendar).
(build 3825)
DayPilot.Gantt: getScrollX(), getScrollY(), setScrollX(), setScrollY(), scrollToRow(id) methods added
(build 3825)
DayPilot.Calendar.onTimeRangeSelecting: args.start and args.end can be modified; args.anchor added
(build 3825)
SVG export fixed (text objects with zero width caused an exception).
(build 3825)
Time range selecting on touch devices - Y range checked correctly (Calendar)
(build 3825)
[Navigator] - options parameter can be null - fixed ("Cannot read properties of null (reading 'dontFocus')" error)
(build 3825)
Position of inner event div (for all-day events) fixed - inset reset to 0px (Calendar), default CSS theme updated.
(build 3825)
Time range selecting error fixed - "Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'cells')" (Calendar)
(build 3825)
Scheduler event click console error ("Unable to preventDefault inside passive event listener invocation.") fixed (touch devices).
(build 3825)
Time range selection start (touch devices, tap and hold) on the row header fixed (Calendar)
(build 3825)
Precise range selection check in Scheduler (with grid alignment turned off).
(build 3825)
Time header crosshair position fixed - regression (Calendar).
(build 3825)