Release date: September 24, 2024
Synchronizing the Scale property during callbacks.
(build 3848)
Quarter as a time header group supported (Scheduler).
(build 3848)
Event bar position updated (fully inside event) in the default CSS (Month).
(build 3850)
Setting event and header height using CSS turned off to improve performance and prevent CSS interference (Scheduler).
(build 3850)
The extra space on the right side of the Scheduler grid in auto cell width mode has been removed.
(build 3850)
The context menu now hides on a "wheel" event (mouse wheel or touchpad scrolling) to prevent it from moving to an incorrect position.
(build 3850)
DayPilot.ColorUtil.darker() and lighter() methods support hex colors with an alpha channel.
(build 3850)
[Scheduler] has been optimized for performance.
(build 3850)
Built-in row creation using a special new row at the bottom fixed (Scheduler).
(build 3850)
Correctly displaying events for a resource with id of `0` (number) - Scheduler.
(build 3850)
Position of scroll labels fixed for Calendar with `columnWidthSpec` set to "Fixed".
(build 3850)
When dragging a Calendar event again immediately after drop (without moving the mouse), the target coordinates are calculated incorrectly (MacOS, Linux) - fixed.
(build 3850)
Default column value for row editing fixed (Gantt).
(build 3850)
Correctly forbidding the resizing of events over disabled cells with `allowEventOverlap: false` (Scheduler)
(build 3850)
The moving shadow sometimes disappears while moving an event (e.g., when a collapsed parent row is automatically expanded, causing a change in the Scheduler height) - fixed.
(build 3850)