Release date: December 21, 2011 (build 6.6.2368)
BusinessBeginsHour and BusinessEndsHour support overnight shift. (build 2360)
Calendar overnight shift demo added. (build 2360)
EventRightClick server-side handler (CallBack, PostBack) was throwing NullReferenceException. (build 2362)
EventRightClick server-side handler (CallBack, PostBack) was throwing NullReferenceException. (build 2362)
EventRightClick server-side handler (CallBack, PostBack) was throwing NullReferenceException. (build 2362)
SetScrollX() supported during CallBacks as well. (build 2363)
Zooming demo scrolls automatically to today if it's in the visible range. (build 2363)
Header alignment fixed (HeightSpec="Full" and HeightSpec="BusinessHoursNoScroll" in IE). (build 2364)
clearEventSelection added. (build 2366)
Menu item PostBack event handling fixed. (build 2366)
"HttpRequestValidationException: A potentially dangerous Request.Form
value was detected from the client" exception fixed for custom scheduler
tree HTML (on PostBack). (build 2367)
Bubble horizontal position fixed. (build 2368)
Scheduler bubble activation fixed (was firing in the active move area when moving the mouse over the duration bar). (build 2368)