Release date: May 8, 2012 (build 2460)
Notify Event Model

The Scheduler supports a fast Notify model. It allows to make changes to the event set on the client side without waiting for a response from the server side.
The client-side operations are now heavily optimized. All changes (event adding, deleting, moving, resizing) take under 100 ms, regardless of the total number of events displayed.
See also:
Modal.js: Automatic height supported
(build 2432)
Modal.js: className property supported
(build 2432)
ShowWeekend synchronization fixed.
(build 2432)
"'offsetWidth' is null or not an object" JavaScript error fixed (external drag&drop)
(build 2433)
Multiday allday events supported in Calendar/Resources view.
(build 2434)
All controls marked as Themeable
(build 2435)
Zero-duration events accepted.
(build 2436)
Event resizing and moving in Notify mode optimized.
(build 2437)
DurationBarVisible supported during export.
(build 2439)
Tree node expanding/collapsing optimized.
(build 2440)
events.add() optimized.
(build 2444)
All client-side event changes heavily optimized (,,, including Notify mode for
EventResize and EventMove).
(build 2451)
Progressive event rendering speed improved.
(build 2455)
ResourceExpand and ResourceCollapse events added.
(build 2456)