Release date: September 1, 2012 (build 2638)
Full Calendar/Scheduler/Month CSS Styling Support
It has to be activated using CssOnly = true.
New Calendar Themes



New Month Themes



New Scheduler Themes



Gantt Chart (Scheduler)

You can enable the Gantt mode using ViewType = Gantt. The rows will be generated automatically from the event set (one row per event).
See Also
Preventing Parent Node Usage (Scheduler)

Scheduling events in parent tree nodes can be disabled using TreePreventParentUsage = true.
See Also
Limit Event Moving Horizontally or Vertically (Scheduler)
You can limit the directions in which the event can be moved in BeforeEventRender event handler using e.EventMoveVerticalEnabled and e.EventMoveHorizontalEnabled properties.
protected void DayPilotScheduler1_BeforeEventRender(object sender, DayPilot.Web.Ui.Events.Scheduler.BeforeEventRenderEventArgs e)
int id = 0;
int.TryParse(e.Value, out id);
if (id % 2 == 0)
e.DurationBarColor = "red";
e.EventMoveVerticalEnabled = false;
e.DurationBarColor = "blue";
e.EventMoveHorizontalEnabled = false;
Row Header Width Auto-Fit (Scheduler)
The row header width can be adjusted automatically to fit the longest text (RowHeaderWidthAutoFit = true). This feature is enabled by default.
Event Caching in Dynamic Event Loading Mode (Scheduler)
The already-loaded events are cached when scrolling the Scheduler. This greatly improves usability of the dynamic loading mode (DynamicLoading = true).
API Changes
A few classes were moved to new namespaces (classes previously shared by Calendar and Scheduler are now separate for each control).
BeforeEventRenderEventHandler and BeforeEventRenderEventArgs moved to DayPilot.Web.Ui.Events.Calendar.
(build 2602)
BeforeEventRenderEventHandler and BeforeEventRenderEventArgs moved to DayPilot.Web.Ui.Events.Scheduler.
(build 2602)
ViewTypeEnum moved to DayPilot.Web.Ui.Enums.Calendar.
(build 2603)
ViewTypeEnum moved to DayPilot.Web.Ui.Enums.Scheduler.
(build 2603)
Preventing text selection in Chrome (WebkitUserSelect = 'none').
(build 2523)
EventTextLayer = Floats added for improved time and text arrangement inside event boxes.
(build 2523)
Improved vertical scrollbar detection (prevents header misalignments).
(build 2527)
HideFreeCells supported in image export.
(build 2528)
ClearType font antialiasing mode used for image export.
(build 2529)
ClearType font antialiasing mode used for image export.
(build 2529)
Cell borders and day header background fixed (image export).
(build 2529)
Crosshair fixed for multi-level time headers.
(build 2530)
EventFontColor/e.FontColor applied correctly during image export.
(build 2531)
TimeRangeDoubleClick highlighting disabled for TimeRangeDoubleClickHandling=Disabled.
(build 2532)
commandPostBack() added.
(build 2532)
ShowEventStartEnd property added.
(build 2535)
External drag&drop fixed.
(build 2539)
HeaderHeight="0" allowed.
(build 2554)
CssOnly property allows pure CSS styling.
(build 2554)
ShowEventStartEnd default value set to false.
(build 2559)
Days visible in other month boxes are no longer displayed (if InnerHTML is overriden in BeforeCellRender InnerHTML).
(build 2566)
Firing a new callback request from afterRender was causing an infinite loop in some cases
(build 2578)
BeforeEventRender/e.BorderColor supported.
(build 2579)
Bubble Position="EventTop" supported.
(build 2580)
Correctly preventing text selection during drag&drop operations (IE9).
(build 2581)
Cursor fixed during drag&drop in Chrome
(build 2581)
ScrollDelay property added
(build 2582)
Events cached in DynamicLoading mode.
(build 2583)
Width accepts an empty value (and it's the new default value instead of
100%). The width is determined by the parent (identical to
display:block behavior).
(build 2584)
Unicode properly decoded from compressed POST callback requests (iuppiter.js).
(build 2586)
Protocol optimizations.
(build 2586)
Empty backgroundRepeat error fixed (BeforeCellRender).
(build 2588)
RowHeaderWidthAutoFit property added.
(build 2590)
Event resizing using the top border fired EventClick in some cases (IE).
(build 2593)
TextBox with a date added to Calendar/DatePicker.aspx demo.
(build 2595)
Width accepts an empty value (and it's the new default value instead of
100%). The width is determined by the parent (identical to
display:block behavior).
(build 2595)
style.whiteSpace = null error fixed (IE7, IE8)
(build 2596)
TreePreventParentUsage property added.
(build 2596)
BeforeEventRenderEventHandler and BeforeEventRenderEventArgs moved to DayPilot.Web.Ui.Events.Calendar.
(build 2602)
BeforeEventRenderEventHandler and BeforeEventRenderEventArgs moved to DayPilot.Web.Ui.Events.Scheduler.
(build 2602)
e.EventMoveVerticalEnabled and e.EventMoveHorizontalEnabled added to BeforeEventRender
(build 2602)
"Limit Event Moving" demo added (Scheduler).
(build 2602)
"Row Header Width Auto-Fit" demo added (Scheduler).
(build 2602)
"External Drag&Drop" demo added (Scheduler).
(build 2602)
"Prevent Parent Usage" demo added (Scheduler).
(build 2602)
Gantt chart mode implemented (ViewType=Gantt).
(build 2603)
"Gantt" demo added (Scheduler).
(build 2603)
ViewTypeEnum moved to DayPilot.Web.Ui.Enums.Calendar.
(build 2603)
ViewTypeEnum moved to DayPilot.Web.Ui.Enums.Scheduler.
(build 2603)
Calling e.text("Event text") on an event object updates the HTML automatically.
(build 2605)
afterRender() executed asynchronously.
(build 2607)
afterRender() executed asynchronously.
(build 2607)
afterRender() executed asynchronously.
(build 2607)
Using the scrollbar activated time range selection in cell stacking mode.
(build 2607)
Event moving (dragging) activated time range selection in cell stacking mode.
(build 2607)
Dropping support for IE6.
(build 2608)
Right event border was missing in some columns (Chrome).
(build 2608)
Correct cursor during event resizing.
(build 2614)
EventClick not fired anymore after EventResize is finished.
(build 2614)
Delayed Bubble activation fixed (after the event was destroyed).
(build 2614)
New event position fixed (event resizing using the top border).
(build 2614)
Bubble not activated when the cursor is in the event resize margin
(build 2614)
Caching improved in dynamic event loading mode.
(build 2615)
Event rendering speed improved.
(build 2615)
Blue theme added (Calendar).
(build 2620)
White theme added (Calendar).
(build 2620)
Message bar layer fixed.
(build 2623)
Blue theme added (Month).
(build 2623)
White theme added (Month).
(build 2623)