
[C# source] [VB.NET source] [embedded SQLite DB]
- Week view
- Drag&drop event moving

- How to load resources from a database
- How to load events from a database
- Drag and drop event moving
- Year view (365 days), day scale (1 cell = 1 day), grouped by month
- Default CSS theme
- SQL Server database
- Visual Studio 2012 solution
- C# and VB source code

- C# source
- VB source
- Embedded SQLite database
- Integration with DayPilot Navigator
- Week view
- Drag&drop event moving

- Weekly event calendar export to PNG and PDF
- C# source code
- VB source code
- Visual Studio 2010/2012 solution
- SQL Server database
- Custom PDF page size (Letter, A4)
- PDF page orientation (portrait, landscape)
- Custom PDF document header

- C# Source
- VB Source
- Visual Studio 2010/2012 Solution
- SQL Server Database
- Custom PDF Page Size (Letter, A4)
- PDF Page Orientation (Portrait, Landscape)
- Custom Header Text

- Editable weekly event calendar
- Special print page with custom layout, with the event calendar embedded as PNG image
- C# Source
- VB Source
- Visual Studio 2010 Solution
- SQL Server Database

- ASP.NET Gantt Control
- Customizable scale - we are displaying one cell per day
- Customizable time header - we are displaying days grouped by month
- Adding a new task using a modal dialog
- Editing a task using a modal dialog
- PNG Export
- PDF Export
- Customizable PDF page format (Letter, A4)
- Customizable PDF page orientation (portrait, landscape)

- ASP.NET scheduler control that loads events for the current viewport from the server during scrolling
- Configurable cache size
- C# and VB.NET source code
- SQL Server Database (LocalDB)
- Visual Studio solution

[C# source] [VB.NET source] [SQL Server]
- Colors indicating the reservation phase
- Rules for reservation updates (overlap forbidden, past reservations)
- Filters for visible rooms (based on drop-down)
- Modal dialog for event creating and editing
- Message bar notification about user action result

[C# source] [VB.NET source] [SQL Server]
- Public interface for patients
- Doctor's interface for managing appointments
- Manager's interface for scheduling shifts
- Using pre-defined appointment slots
- Appointment status: "free", "waiting", "confirmed"
- SQL Server database
- Visual Studio 2013

[C# source] [VB.NET source] [SQL Server]
- ASP.NET Gantt Chart control
- Drag and drop (task moving, resizing, link creating, row moving)
- Dependencies (task links)
- Task groups
- Milestones
- Task duration in a special column
- Context menu for task creating and deleting
- Visual Studio sample solution
- C# source code
- VB.NET source code
- Includes a trial version of DayPilot Pro for ASP.NET WebForms

[C# source] [VB.NET source] [SQL Server]
- Displaying tables in restaurant sections (Inside, Terrace)
- Displaying table seats in an additional column
- Disabling drag&drop operations for parent nodes (restaurant sections)
- Time headers (day, hour, minutes)
- Highlighting conflicting reservations
- Reservation filter (find frees table by time and/or number of people)

- C# source
- VB source
- SQL Server
- Weekly ASP.NET timetable
- Displays time slots (blocks) with custom size (block number is mapped to the hour component of the DateTime)
- Inline editing of the block properties using active areas.
- Custom event color in combination with CssOnly mode (CSS styling).
- Loads events and blocks from SQL Server database.
- Full calendar CSS styling (calendar_green theme).
- Integrates DayPilot Navigator for switching the week.

- C# source
- VB source
- SQL Server database
- Visual Studio 2010/Visual Studio 2012 solutions
- Weekly timetable
- Timetable CSS theme modified to show grid lines with 4px width
- Timetable block editing (start and end time, name)
- Timetable records editing using drag and drop (creating and moving the events)

Basic timetable features:
- Based on the DayPilot event calendar ASP.NET control
- Overview of events scheduled for the selected week
- Changing the selected week using a date navigator
- Time blocks with customizable start and end time (inline editing using header active areas)
- Drag and drop event creating
- Drag and drop event moving
- Drag and drop event resizing
- Custom event background color
- Editable event description
- Full calendar CSS support
- Custom CSS theme
- Storing data in an SQL Server database (sample database included)
- C# source code of the sample project
- VB source code of the sample project
Advanced timetable features (recurrence):
- Support for recurring events
- Recurring events are marked with a special icon
- Customizable recurrence rules (daily, weekly, monthly, annually)
- Exceptions from the rules (different time, description, color for a specified occurrence)

- C# source
- VB source
- SQL Server database
- Queue of unscheduled cases
- Courtrooms displayed in a tree (with buildings as parents)
- Scheduling cases using drag&drop from the unscheduled list
- Available time slots limited to working hours (8 am - 6 pm)
- Custom CSS theme

- C# source
- Visual Studio 2010 Solution
- SQL Server connection using SqlDataSource
- Modal popup using ModalPopupExtender (event creating, event editing)
- UpdatePanel partial PostBacks mixed with fast internal CallBacks

[C# source] [VB.NET source] [SQL Server]
- Displays recurring events
- Integrated dialog for recurrence rule editing
- Supports rule exceptions
- Recurrence data stored in a single database field (SQL Server)

[C# source] [VB.NET source] [SQL Server]
- Assign people to locations
- Overview page with all locations (based on the Scheduler)
- Supports recurring assignments
- View by person (based on the Calendar)
- View by location (based on the Calendar)
- Agenda view (list of upcoming events, including expanded recurring assignments)
- Conflict detection (multiple concurrent assignments for the same person)
See Also